30% Off Flights Between Europe and Turkey!
Dont miss your chance to get 30% Off flights between Europe and Turkey! Hurry, book by 13th April on to get a special 30% Off all flights to Europe between 3 May and 22 June 2017.
To book your flights visit or the Pegasus mobile app and select a flight for your chosen dates which fall within the campaign period. To avail of the discount, select the “Europe Flights 30% Off” button in the campaign section that is displayed on the payment page. After clicking Confirm/Continue, your 30% discount will be applied to the total flight cost.
Campaign T & Cs :
- Sale dates: 11-13 April 2017 (sale ends on 13th April 2017 at 23:59 local Turkish time.)
- Flight dates: 3 May – 22 June 2017
- Campaign exclusion dates for when the discount is not applicable.
- 18 - 22 May 2017
- 8 - 12 June 2017
- 18 - 22 May 2017
- 30% Discount for flights between Europe and Turkey: Albenia, Austria,Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, England, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
- The offer is limited to 815.000 seats
- The discount is applicable for flights departing from/ arriving in Turkey
- The discount will only be applied to the international segment of any connecting flights including international flights with a connecting internal flight in Turkey or any other transit flights through Turkey.
- The campaign discount is also applicable for children’s flights (2-12).
- For flight packages, the discount will only be applicable for the Basic flight package. For other flight packages, the discount will be applied only to the price of the flight within each package. All additional services within the package (such as seat selection, food and drink, extra baggage etc.) will be priced separately with no discount applicable to those services.
- A check-in fee starting from $8 per person per flight segment will be applied to each booking. This check-in fee may vary depending on the country and destination of the flight.
- The campaign is not available in conjunction with any other Pegasus FlightPoint or sale campaign.
- This offer is only available for flights booked online at or via the Pegasus mobile app.
- Ticket cancellations, refunds and changes/reissues are subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable fare class.
- Pegasus reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this campaign.