Travel Glossary
Everything You Want To Know About Travel
What is an Aircraft Exit Door?
Passengers board or exit from the plane through these doors. Specially engineered exit doors are designed so that they do not open during the flight and do not cause pressure loss. There are three types of doors on a plane: the passenger exits, the service doors, and the emergency exits. The passenger doors used during the boarding are especially located at the front, middle and rear sections of large passenger aircraft. Thanks to these doors, passengers can board planes through different doors. On passenger planes, the door is positioned too high to prevent easy access. For this reason, passengers board the plane via jet bridges or passenger boarding stairs.
What Does a Jet Bridge mean? What are Passenger Boarding Stairs?
Jet bridges and passenger boarding stairs help passengers to get into the plane. They are designed with bellows to be adjusted according to the position of the aircraft. Jet bridges mostly used when the gate/door section is located on the upper floors of the terminal. Passenger boarding stairs also allow access to the plane from the ground. After reaching the plane via shuttles, passengers use these stairs to reach the entrance/exit door of the aircraft.
What's an Emergency Exit Door?
Aircraft have emergency exit doors to be used in case of emergencies. Only passengers who meet certain requirements can sit in the seats next to these doors. These seats are more comfortable than other seats. Check out the emergency exit door seats on the Pegasus Airlines seat selection page.
What's the Function of an Emergency Exit Door on a Plane?
Emergency exit doors ease the exit from the plane during an emergency. Due to its nature, the aircraft doors do not open during the flight but they are opened when a certain force is applied to them. Passengers sitting near exit doors are given a short training on how to use them in case of an emergency. Only volunteers or people who have chosen these seats are allowed to sit near the exit door.
Passenger Exits/Entrances
Passengers enter and exit the plane through these doors.
Service Doors
Only the doors where cabin crew enter and exit the aircraft are called aircraft service doors.